Monografie LIBAL – Tom IV

- Ułan-Ude – Warszawa. Dwa goroda, dwa mira, obszczije problemy i nauczno-issledowatielskije wyzowy
- Polsza – Rossija. Poiski nowoj idienticznosti. Schodstwa i razliczija
- Facing Challenges of Identification: Investigating Identities of Buryats and Their Neighbor Peoples
- Searching for Identity: Personal Experiences and Methodological Reflections
- Discourse of Ukrainian Identity in the Polish Opinion-Forming Press during the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan. Media Linguistic Analysis
This volume is dedicated to the International PhD Program “Searching for Identity: Global Challenges, Local Traditions,” organized at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw, in 2013–2018. The volume aims at showing identity as a processual concept, using the example of the researcher as a living personality. It thus corresponds with the general trend in the humanities and social sciences to pay attention to the researcher and the ways his or her personal background and experience influence the generation of knowledge. By introducing this topic, we would like to show completing a PhD, or any other research, as a dynamic process with a personal history of success and failure, as well as to demonstrate the impact of the “Searching for Identity” project.